Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"You knew! [tear] you knew!"

It is fitting to initiate the next great source of information with an article that comes considerable close to another super bowl event that ignited my interest in politics.

As Larry Fitzgerald touched down for the go ahead score in the final minutes of the super bowl, special viewers in Tucson witnessed more than Larry spiking the ball. For Comcast subscribers, right after Larry went in for six, the broadcast was hacked and 30 seconds of conversation-stimulating porn was shown to grandma, Susie and everyone else around. Only the special suckers that have an alternative cable choice but still subscribe to a company so terrible the Terrible Towels sued them for copying their style (that's Comcast, for those not following along) were treated to the full frontal male nudity.

How terrible! How can Comcast ever undo the damage caused to the virgin eyes of so many innocent, good people? Answer: With a 10 dollar credit.

(work shown: 30sec/felacio x avg.# viewers/household = $10.00)

Comcast claims over 80,000 of their customers could have been exposed to the clip of Jenna Jamison. They also claim they're going after the culprits of this terrible, terrible, terrible stunt (coincidentally on the terrible, terrible, terrible service provider, Comcast) like gangbsters. So in the worst case scenario, Comcast could have to give out $800,000 in credits (not real money). How much money will they waste pursuing the evil devil-worshippers that showed 30 seconds of another network Comcast provides?

And yes. For those of you wondering what other super bowl event is to be attributed to my foray into the New Mexican political world, it was Janet Jackson's "wardrobe malfunction." My congresswoman gave such an impassioned speech on the floor of Congress, it got me off the couch and down to Richard Romero's campaign office (5 months later).

Doesn't this make you eager to go work for whomever the opposing candidate is?

(I actually missed the Nipplegate live as I was taking friends to the store for more booze . . . still haven't seen it to this day!)


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