Thursday, April 14, 2011

Newsgaming in Minnesota

I'd like to call everyone's attention to a brief post I shared on the Digital Media Test Kichen's website about my weekend spent newsgaming: Playing news games in Minnesota The gathering of scholars, game developers and journalists featured a lot of amazing projects that certainly left me a bit insecure about my puny little quiz game. 

But no, it's not a puny little quiz game! If you're in or around the Boulder, Colo. area, you should absolutely go test your knowledge of current events and pop culture. Play Qrank for CU on Facebook or load up the app on your iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad/iDon'tGiveARatsAss device

For more reading about the newsgames gathering in Minneapolis and insight into the potential of videogames to present news, I refer you to real journalist and San Jose Mercury News business reporter Chris O'Brien's write-up of the weekend: Why Are Newsroom Resistent to Creating Newsgames?